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Do you usually look people in the eye?
What do you see?
I don’t believe they are the mirror entrance to the soul.
I think we are defenseless, but the eyes, that’s something else too.
something about power, and animal.
and that power, don’t underestimate it. it plays tricks with your mind. like it has a mind of its own. it makes you drunk, it does. It made me. Like a hot rod of energy. Flush ride.
Then you need the rhythm. The tap tap keeps you sane. And it clicks with the tricks, fooling the mind to overcome any
resistance, smooth operator.
The looks burning, reddening skin. Furtive glances. Shows how powerful the look is. It’s physical. Slicing you in two,
splitsecond dissolvment, followed by a slow countermovement
in a spiraling move, rising up like smoke from the river, untethered by words anchoring the here and the now. Coming on for the landing
flapping, focused on getting it right. The landings are hard, and they don’t get easier.
The face, on the other hand. Why don’t we use that metaphor? The face is naked like a baby. In it, two eyes. Not separable.


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